Tuesday, June 30, 2009

nutrition, nutrition, nutrition!

I should feel good about last week, 2- 3.5 mile runs and a 5 mile run. However, I ate terrible. I don't think any amount of exercise can make up for junk food! I don't seem to learn my lesson. Sorry I haven't been great about posting. I really need to keep myself in check so here's to nutrition!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

still going

A few of you are still going strong! Congrats to Utonya, I read she ran 4 miles the other day and she lost 2.6 pounds last week! Tori has a new goal as well and is planning to work hard for another ten pounds! I love it! I need to refocus, I've come this far...must make it to my goal!

Sandra made it!

Sandra weighed in today for insurance and made it! Way to go...I'm still cooler than you.

quote of the day!

"How long does getting thin take?" asked Pooh, anxiously.– A.A. Milne

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I'm back!

Sorry I took a hiatus...but now I'm back. I survived my half marathon, it was a good run. I got a slow time but I felt good about my race and that's what matters. The race was mostly uphill so I don't think it was a fast course for anyone. I'm able to walk up and down stairs now so I call that a success! One thing that helped me through the race was that I found a lady around mile 7 that stayed with me until the end. She made me keep up with her and wouldn't let me fall behind. She said that we were finishing together! It seems having someone to help motivate you is true in lots of endeavors...like this weight loss challenge. Thanks to all of you guys who are there to motivate me! It's time for me to refocus on that, no more need to carb load so the diet is back in order!

quote of the day!

The cardiologist's diet: If it tastes good, spit it out. ~Author Unknown

Friday, June 12, 2009


I didn't weigh in this morning or do an 8 week after picture but I will next Friday. Yesterday I carb loaded and will again today for my half marathon tomorrow! Can't wait to get that over. I feel semi prepared for it. I've been fighting a calf injury, trying to let that heal so that I can at least make it to the finish no matter how slow. Sandra is 4 pounds away from insurance weigh in! She should make it by next week. Hope everyone is doing well!

remember, a minute on the lips, a lifetime on the hips!